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June Minor Updates

Read the latest updates in RemOnline

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over 8 months ago

Big announcements about new features and integrations are exciting, but sometimes the smaller updates get overlooked. Here, we've gathered the minor improvements to RemOnline that were released in June.

Edit Items in Work Orders and Estimates Inline

Prices and quantities in work orders and estimates are frequently edited. Now, you can save time by editing these details directly within the work order or estimate table, without needing to open the service or product details.

QR Code as a Barcode Type

QR codes are widely used for displaying information graphically. Now, they are available as a barcode type for products and services. Additionally, you'll soon be able to generate QR codes for SKUs, codes, and other product or service information.

Work Order Card Improvements

In May, we introduced a work order card alongside the Scheduler enhancements, allowing you to click on a calendar slot and view order details. Now, you can also change the work order status, hover over client info to contact them, and open asset profiles directly from the card.

Discounts in the Client Table

Need to check if a client has a discount? Save time by accessing discount information directly from the client table, without having to open their profile.

With these updates, we close out June's enhancements to RemOnline. Looking ahead, here are some exciting features coming soon:

  • Duplicating Work Orders and Estimates: Create a complete copy of a document with all its contents in just one click.

  • Starting Conversations with Clients: Initiate chats and attach media and files directly with clients.

  • Editing Taxes in Work Orders and Sales: Adjust tax values in documents without changing your company's general tax settings.

  • Including Transaction Fees in Cashboxes: Automatically calculate fees for using bank terminals or other transaction processing services.

  • Stripe Integration: Create and send payment links to your clients.

  • Board View for Work Orders and Estimates: Organize work orders and estimates by their status groups.

  • Estimates and Uncompleted Work Orders in the Mobile App: Work with estimates and incomplete work orders on-the-go.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact our Support team via chat.

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