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How To Add Estimate Statuses?
How To Add Estimate Statuses?

Learn how to create and configure a new estimate status

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 2 months ago

Statuses are used to build a workflow with estimates. Read more about the possibilities of using estimate statuses in this article.

By default, the system has the following statuses: Draft, In progress, Pending, Accepted, Sent, Order created, Canceled, and Rejected.

You can create, edit, and delete statuses if you have the appropriate access rights to the Settings > Statuses section in the RemOnline system.

With estimate statuses, you can create a step-by-step workflow for employees. Using the initial status for a particular type of estimate/work order makes it possible to establish a separate business process for different estimates and reduce the human error risk. The status time limit will allow you to control the timing of each stage of the estimate and employees' actions.

Creating a new status

Step 1. On the Settings > Status > Estimates page, click the + Status button.

Step 2. Specify the name of the status (we recommend using concise names for better visual display in the table of estimates/work orders) and customize it.

You can use emojis in the status title. For Windows users, press the keys "Win + . (dot)" and select an emoji. If you can't find a suitable emoji or use Mozilla Firefox/Edge, open the emojipedia website. Just copy and paste the emoji you need.

Note: changing status colors is not currently supported.

Group. Specify the group to which the status will belong. There are 7 independent groups of statuses: New, In progress, Pending, Done, Delivery, Closed, and Dropped off (the last two belong to the Closed group).

The status color and some functions depend on the selected group.

Status time limit. Select this checkbox to set the maximum estimated time for this status.

When the set status time expires, in the table of estimates and work orders, in the column "Status time limit," the lightning icon will turn colored, and the expiration time will be displayed. Read more about the status time limit in this article.

When transferring to this status, require "Comment". Check this box so the employee cannot switch the estimate to this status without a comment.

The comment will be displayed in the Estimate event feed.

When transferring to this status, require "Create order". Check this box to automatically create work orders from the estimates when switching to this status.

Available status. Using the checkboxes, you can designate the roles of employees who can see estimates in this status and set this status for estimates.

Statuses that can be transferred to this status. Check the boxes for those statuses from which you can transfer the estimate to the status you create.

For instance, an estimate can only be transferred from the Pending and Sent statuses to the Find Analogs status.

Statuses you can transfer this status to. Check the boxes for those statuses to which you can transfer the estimate from the status you create.

For instance, an estimate can only be transferred from the Find Analogues status to the Sent and Accepted statuses.

Documents available for printing - select the checkboxes for the documents you want to have available for printing in a specific estimate status at a specific location. Other documents will not be displayed when you click the print button.

Step 3. Click the Save button. Done! The new status is added and displayed in the list.

Edit and delete statuses

To edit a status, go to the Settings > Statuses > Estimates page. Double-click a status, make changes, and save them.

Note: When editing a status, there is no block for selecting the statuses that can be transferred to it. This is done to avoid mistakes, as an incorrect change in this parameter can lead to a "breakdown" of the previously configured status sequence.

For instance, if you want an existing status (A) to be set from another status (B), you need to edit the latter (B) of the two.

Learn more about setting up rules for transitioning estimate statuses in this article.

To delete a status, double-click a status on the Settings > Statuses > Estimates page and click the delete button.

Please note that to delete a status, there must be no estimates in this status, and this status must not be set as the initial status in an estimate/work order of any type.

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