Navigate to the My company > Services page to find a Labors and Service directory. It represents your company's price list.
The Labors and Services directory will help you process your work orders more quickly.
Selecting services from the ready-made list will save you a lot of time. Learn more about how to work with the Labors and Services Table in this article.
Adding labors and services manually
Step 1. Go to the My company > Services page and hit the “+ Service” button.
Step 2. Choose the type: Labor or Service.
The difference between a service and a labor in the RemOnline system is only in their use:
Service is something that is provided to the customer as a final product (e.g., repair, diagnostics).
Labor is the specific actions or tasks performed to deliver the service (e.g., replacing parts, installing software).
This distinction is important for accurate reporting, as labor and services may be taxed differently or require separate licenses depending on the country.
Step 3. Choose or create a new service category.
Step 4. Enter the service name, unit of measurement.
Note: that the Name is a unique identifier, meaning there cannot be two services with the same name.
Step 5. Specify the duration of the labor/service. The duration reflects the time required to provide such a service or perform labor.
Step 6. Be sure to specify the price and cost (if any) of the service. If you have set up pricing with a specified markup, you can specify the cost price and click Calculate price from cost price. The system will automatically calculate and display the price.
Step 7. Set up the warranty period for your client service (if applicable). You can later include it in your printed documents.
Step 8. Add or create a service barcode (if you use them for your services).
Step 9. If necessary, set an exceptional commission for the employee for selling this service or for adding the service to a work order. It can be a percentage of the service price, a fixed amount of money, or both. If you leave this field blank, the standard payroll calculation rules will apply to the employee.
Step 10. Click the Create button.
Adding labors and services via Import
Step 1. Go to the My company > Services page and click the Import button.
Step 2. Download the template by clicking the Import template button.
Step 3. Open the downloaded file and fill it with information about the labors and services provided by your company.
There are a number of required columns in the file.
Type. Specify a type "Service" or "Labor" here.
Name. Enter a unique name of the service. You can't have two different services with the same name.
Price. This column must contain a number. If the service has no price, you can specify 0 (zero).
Unit of measurement. In this column, you must specify the units of measurement for each work/service.
Important: Currently, you can only specify units of measurement in English in the import document. We are actively working on adding the ability to import products with units of measurement in other languages.
Category. Do not forget to specify a service category. It is important to follow the order of the subcategories separating them with the ">" symbol.
E.g., "Laptop Repair > Apple" will look like this (that is, you do not need to specify the "All labors and services" category):
Step 4. Click the Import button on the My company > Services page and upload the file by pressing the Attach file button. Then click the Import button.
Adding services and labors from work order
Step 1. Go to the Services and products tab of the work order profile.
Fill the Service, labor or product field with the new service name and click the Add labor or Add service button.
Step 2. Enter the labor information and tick the Add to the service and labor list checkbox. Choose or create a new category and click the Save button.