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Lost Leads Report

Learn how to analyze lost leads in RemOnline

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 10 months ago

The Lost Leads report shows all leads with statuses from the Lost group for the selected period. It allows you to analyze data and find helpful patterns, like what types or statuses are the most common for lost leads.

You can create the report on the Reports > Leads > Lost leads page.

There are three parameters by which the report is generated:

  1. Period. This parameter allows you to select the time frame for which the report will be generated: today, yesterday, this week, this month, last week, last month, and custom.

  2. Location. Here you can select one / several / all locations if there is more than one.

  3. Lead Type. Use this option to see the lost leads by different types.

Choose needed parameters and click on the Apply button.

In the report, every new row is a new lead. There are nine columns:

  • Date and time of lead closing

  • Lead # with lead’s ordinal number

  • Lead type

  • Status with current lead status from the Lost group (we always recommend using causes of failure in the status names, so you can analyze the most common causes and work on them)

  • Created, the column contains the name of the employee who created the lead (if the lead were created from the missed call automatically, this column would be empty)

  • Manager

  • Client (if there is no client name but phone number only, the column will contain the Unknown client value)

  • Phone number specified in the lead

  • Comment

The last column contains comments from the Lead Form field, not the Event Feed.

To configure column displaying, click on the table button and tick checkboxes with columns you want to see in the report.

To change the width of the columns, drag and drop column borders.

Also, you can print the report and export it to an Excel file.

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