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Work Schedule

Learn how to create an employee work schedule

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 6 months ago

With the Work Schedule you can:

  • see how many working hours/days an employee has had in a week or month

  • set up the payroll calculation for employees per hour or per working day

  • set up a paid or unpaid vacation/sick leave/day off

  • display in the Work Order Scheduler only the employees working on that day, so you can plan your workload even better.

How to Add an Employee to the Location Work Schedule?

You must first add employees to the location schedule, depending on whether they work in one or multiple locations.

You can add an employee to a location's work schedule in two ways.

Option 1. Go to the employee dialog box. In the Work Schedule section, check the locations where the work schedule will be used for the employee.

Option 2. Go to the location dialog box. In the Employees section, check the boxes in the Work Schedule column.

Creating an Employee Work Schedule

1. Go to the My company > Work Schedule page and select a location.

Note that the employee work schedule has to be set for each location individually.

2. Select the display type Week or Month as well as the time period for which you want to create the work schedule.

Important: Non-working days of the location are displayed as gray shaded blocks. The information about non-working days is taken from the location dialog box from the Opening Hours section.

3. Double-click the cell in which you want to set the work schedule.

In the window that opens, select the type of the employee's working day:

Working day. If you select this type, you will be able to set one or more intervals of working hours.

For example, you can set the first interval from 09:00 to 1:00 p.m. and the second interval from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. This way, the schedule will show when the employee is scheduled to have lunch.

If an employee works in several locations, there will be an option to select a location to the right of the time interval. This is useful when an employee works in one location for the first half of the day and in another location for the second half of the day.

If an employee works in several locations, they will be able to select a location to the right of the time interval. This is useful when an employee works in one location for the first half of the day and in another location for the second half.

Note: If your locations are in different time zones, you need to specify the local time.

E.g., one location is in the UTC-8 time zone (San Francisco) and the other location is in the UTC-5 time zone (Brooklyn). You want to set up half a day in one location and half a day in the other location while you are in the San Francisco location. In this case, you must set the interval from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the San Francisco location, and from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Brooklyn location (minus three hours due to the time zone difference). To avoid constantly calculating the difference, you can set up working intervals for the first location, and then move to the second location and finalize the schedule.

Non-working day. When you select this type, you can set a Sick Leave, Vacation Day, Day off or just a Non-working Day for the employee.

Sick Leaves are displayed as orange blocks, Vacation Days are in green, and Non-working Days are displayed as empty cells.

By default, non-working days of the type Sick, Vacation, and Day off are paid, but if necessary, you can check the checkbox for “Unpaid”. That is if you set an employee's vacation as unpaid these days will not be displayed in the payroll calculation.

Note: to set up payroll calculation for sick leaves, vacations, or days off, add new payroll rules in the employee profile.

Sick Leaves are displayed as red blocks, Vacation Days are in green, Days off are in orange and Non-working Days are displayed as empty cells.

After setting up your employees’ work schedules, the Work Order Scheduler will also display the current schedule for each employee. Here, an employee's workdays are displayed as empty blocks, sick leaves are highlighted as red shaded blocks, vacation days are green, days off are orange and non-work days are gray.

Autofilling of Work Schedules

Autofill will help you create schedules for your employees much faster and more conveniently.

Autofill works for both working days and non-working days. Let's take a look at both options.

Autofill When Adding Working Days of an Employee

1. Tick the Autofill the schedule checkbox and select up to which date you want to automatically set the same intervals for working hours.

Note that auto-fill is available only if the interval of working hours is within 1 day.

2. Specify the sequence to auto-fill and click Save. The first number in the sequence is the number of working days, and the second number stands for non-working days.

E.g., if an employee works from Monday to Friday, choose a “5 in 2” sequence. If the employee works in shifts, select “2 in 2”.

Autofill When Adding Non-working Days of an Employee

1. Check the Autofill the schedule checkbox and specify until what date to automatically set the same non-working days for this employee.

2. Click Save.

How do I quickly clear the work schedule for a specific employee using autocomplete?

1. Double-click the cell from which you want to clear the work schedule.

2. Select a Non-Working Day, and then select the “Non-Working” type.

3. Check the Autofill the schedule checkbox and specify the day to which you want to clear the work schedule.

Done! The work schedule of an employee has been cleared and you can now fill it with the correct data.

Editing and Deleting a Work Schedule

To edit or delete a schedule, double-click on a cell. In the window that opens, make changes and save them, or click the delete button.

Please note that if you have set up a daily or hourly base salary calculation for an employee, the salary will be recalculated according to changes in the work schedule. If the changes occur in a period that has not yet been accrued, the calculation will simply change. If the changes occur in the accrued period, the rate will be adjusted in the current period.

Group Actions in the Work Schedule

Group actions are available in the Work Schedule to edit or delete in bulk. Hover the cursor over a cell to select it for group actions. Do the same with other cells.

Important: RemOnline remembers the selections only within one week or one month.

After selecting the cells, the bulk edit and delete buttons appear at the bottom of the panel.

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