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How to delete a Work Order?

Deleting work orders in RemOnline

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 6 months ago

There are two ways to delete a work order in RemOnine.

1. In the Work Order Profile

Open the work order to be deleted. Click the Actions button and select Delete.

2. In the Work Orders Table

On the Workflows page, check the box next to one or more work orders and click the delete button at the bottom right.

Important: A work order cannot be deleted if there are payments associated with it (i.e. payments on the work order). To delete a transaction, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Payments and Invoices tab of the work order and double-click on the transaction.

2. Delete the payment by clicking on the delete button at the bottom right.

Do this with all payments in the work order if there are several of them. Then you will be able to delete the work order.

Note that when you delete a transaction, the data will not disappear, but will be crossed out on the Finance > Payments page ー it means that the transaction is deleted. The balance of the cashbox itself is recalculated, but the value in the Balance column of the transaction does not change ー that's the point of it, to show how much money was in the cashbox after the transaction was made.

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