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Catalog in a mobile application

How to use a catalog in a mobile application, basic features

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a week ago

The Catalog section in the RemOnline mobile app is a powerful tool for managing your assortment. With this feature, you can always keep your data up-to-date, respond quickly to market changes, and provide a high level of client service.

When you open the Catalog , you can switch between services and products.

Use the filtering and search tools to quickly find the items you need:


- Sort products and services by category to quickly find the items you need.

- Filter products by price type to instantly see the latest deals.


- Use text search to quickly find products or services by name or description.

- Scan QR codes to find products instantly, which is especially useful for editing items.

☝️ Please note that the filter and search work according to the tab you are on.

Works and services in a mobile application

Creating a labor/service:

1. To add a new service to the Catalog, click “+”.

2. Select the type: “Labor” or “Service”.

3. Select a category.

4. Specify the name and unit of measurement.

☝️ Please note that the name of the service is unique. That is, you cannot have two different services with the same name.

5. If necessary, set a warranty period for the service for the client, which can be displayed in the document template.

6. Add or create a barcode if you use them for services.

7. Be sure to specify the price and cost (if any) of the service.

After checking the entered data, click Save. The created service will immediately appear in the general list.

Edit a labor/service:

To edit an already created service, open the corresponding item, make the necessary changes, and click Save. Make sure that all data is updated correctly before saving.

Products in the mobile application

Creating a product:

1. To add a new product to the Catalog, click “+”.

2. Specify the characteristics of the product. (Specify the Name, upload an Image, select the Category for the product, specify the Unit of Measurement, specify the Product Code and Article, add a Description, set the Warranty Period, add the Product Barcode and determine whether this product will be serialized).

☝️ Important: If you have selected Inventory Serialization for this product, it will not be possible to change it back to non-serial. After activating this type of accounting, you will need to specify a serial number for each item. And also the default unit of measurement for serialized goods is pieces.

3. Click the “Save” button.

The created product will be displayed in the product list and in the web version on the Inventory > Stock page with a zero balance until you post this item.

Edit a product:

To change the product information, open the corresponding item, make the changes, and click Save. Before saving, make sure that all the data is correct.

Add images to a product

In the mobile app, you can easily add images to a product while creating or editing it.

There are two ways to do this:

- Take a photo directly in the app

- Choose a ready-made image from the gallery

You can upload up to 9 images for one product, each of which should be no larger than 5 MB.

📌 Automatic product recognition

To fill in product data faster, you can use the artificial intelligence feature. Just hold down the image and select the "Identify product" option.

The system will suggest a suitable name and description. If everything is correct, click “Accept” and this data will automatically fill in the corresponding fields (Name and Description).

This feature greatly simplifies the process of adding products and helps to avoid unnecessary manual work.

Adding a barcode when creating a product or service

To simplify the accounting of goods and services, the mobile application has the ability to add barcodes. This will help you quickly find the items you need using a scanner or automatic generation.

How to add a barcode?

1. When creating or editing a product or service, click the + Barcode button

2. In the barcode creation window, select its type.

3. Once selected, a window opens where you can enter the barcode manually or use other methods:

- Generate button - automatically generates a barcode.

- Scan button - opens a scanner to read a barcode or QR code from a physical label.

How do I edit or delete a barcode?

All added barcodes are displayed as tiles.

To edit a barcode, simply click on it and edit it, then click Save. Before saving, make sure that all the data is correct.

If you need to delete a barcode, swipe it to the left or open it for editing by clicking on it and pressing the Delete button.

This feature greatly simplifies the work with barcodes, allowing you to quickly add, modify, or delete them without any extra effort.

Edit descriptions with AI

In the mobile app, you can easily edit text in the input fields using artificial intelligence. For this purpose, there is a special AI button that appears next to the text field.

How does it work?

1. Click on the AI button located next to the text field.

2. A menu with available editing options opens:

Fix spelling - corrects spelling mistakes.

Rewrite - rewrite the text in other words.

Make longer - expand the text to add more details.

Make shorter- shorten the text, leaving the main point.

3. Select the desired action, after which the AI button will start downloading (the spinner will show that the request is being executed).

4. When the updated text is ready, it will automatically appear in the input field.

5. After editing, two buttons will appear below the input field:

Undo - return the previous text if you don't like the changes.

Accept - save the updated version.

This feature allows you to quickly improve the description of goods, services, or any other text without any extra effort!

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