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All CollectionsProduct UpdatesOctober 2024
Other RemOnline Enhancements in October
Other RemOnline Enhancements in October

Learn all the details about the latestOnline updates

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over 5 months ago

Redesigned Rounding Settings

We’ve redesigned the Rounding settings to enhance your experience in RemOnline and make rounding adjustments more transparent.

What’s New?

1. Rounding Settings Have Moved

Rounding settings can now be found under Settings > Finance instead of Settings > Prices and Discounts. Don’t worry if you can’t find them at first—just check the Finance settings section.

2. Unified Rounding for All Documents

No more setting roundings separately for different transactions! You can now apply a single rounding value across all documents—orders (jobs, tickets), sales, postings, refunds, and supplier returns. Plus, you can choose whether to apply rounding to cash, cashless transactions, or both.

3. Rounding Linked to Documents

Rounding adjustments are no longer tied to financial transactions but to the specific document and the customer’s balance.

How Rounding Works Now

Once rounding is configured, you’ll see the rounding adjustment automatically when creating payments for orders, tickets, or jobs, for example.

After the payment is completed, the client’s balance will show three clear records:

  1. The total amount of the document before rounding.

  2. The payment amount, including the rounding adjustment.

  3. The rounding adjustment and the specific document it applies to.

This guarantees your cashbox and client balances are calculated correctly, with clear and transparent rounding adjustments.

How to Set Up Rounding

To configure or update your rounding settings, go to Settings > Finance. For example:

  • Set 0.1 to round to the nearest tenth (e.g., 15.39 > 15.4).

  • Set 1 to round to the nearest whole number (e.g., 15.39 > 15.00).

  • Set 10 to round to the nearest ten (e.g., 157.12 > 160).

To make configuration easier, follow the step-by-step instructions.

Location-Based Prices for Products

On the "Settings > Prices and Discounts" page, you can create different price types for products, defining the markup percentage to be added to their purchase price.

We understand that many RemOnline clients have locations not just in different cities but in different countries, which makes flexible pricing essential. That’s why we’re excited to offer the ability to set custom prices for products depending on the location!

Now, on the "Settings > Prices and Discounts" page, you can decide whether each price applies to all locations or just specific ones. This means you can create location-specific prices whenever you need.

With the introduction of location-based pricing, we’ve also improved the default pricing settings. On the "Settings > Prices and Discounts" page, you can now define default price types for orders, sales, and invoices, and these will automatically apply across all locations.

Want to set unique default prices for certain or all locations? You can do that on the "Settings > Locations" page. If the default prices are not specified in the location settings, company default prices are applied automatically.

In the product dialog and during product posting, you’ll see all the available prices from your "Settings > Prices and Discounts" list displayed for easy reference.

Editing Taxes for Services and Products in the Mobile App

Every country has its own tax regulations, and while general rules apply, exceptions often arise. In cases where taxes need to be adjusted manually, you can now edit taxes directly within orders, jobs, tickets, and sales in the RemOnline Work Orders mobile app.

This feature allows you to easily manage taxes based on specific situations, such as working with non-residents, tax-exempt clients, or selling tax-exempt products, etc.

To edit taxes for services and products within an order, job, ticket, or sale in the mobile app, open the specific document, tap on the service or product name, and adjust the taxes as needed for that item.

This feature ensures you have full control over tax management in various situations directly within the mobile app, simplifying compliance and helping you stay efficient.

Note that only roles with the "Can edit taxes in documents" permission are able to use this feature. To adjust permissions, navigate to Settings > Employees > Roles page.

Update your app to the latest version to start using these new features. If you haven’t installed it yet, now is the perfect time to do so. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Different Service Prices by Location

Now you can manage service prices just like you manage product prices! What does this mean?

  1. You can create different price types, such as base, promotional, for legal entities, etc., specifying a markup percentage from the service's cost price.

  2. For each price type, you can specify the locations where that price will be available. For example, if your network operates in different cities with varying prices, or if you offer services to individuals and legal entities at different price points, this feature will be very useful.

  3. You can also configure employee access to each price.

  4. You can set default service prices in orders (also known as tickets and jobs), sales, and invoices for both the entire company and specific locations.

  5. For each client, you can set a discount either as a percentage or based on the price type.

Setting Up Service Price Types

Just like with products, you can create new service price types on the Settings > Prices and Discounts page. For each price, you can specify the markup percentage, the locations where it's available, and which employees have access to it.

All created price types will be displayed in the service dialog on the My Company > Services page. A "Base price" type with a zero markup has already been created for all existing prices, which you can edit if necessary. You can find a step-by-step guide for setting up prices in this article.

Please note that the markup percentage only applies to prices where the cost is specified. So, if you've created a new price type, specified the markup percentage, and the service's cost price is indicated, the price will be calculated automatically. If no cost is provided for a service, the price for all new types will be set to 0.

There are three ways to fix this:

  1. Specify the cost price and use the "Calculate price from cost" button.

  2. Manually set all prices.

  3. Use the export/import feature: export your service list, download the import file template, and fill it out with the new prices.

You can find a step-by-step guide for all available methods of filling and editing your service list here.

Default Service Prices

Similar to the recent update for products, you can now set default prices for services in orders, sales, and invoices in your account, both for the entire company and for specific locations.

On the Settings > Prices and Discounts page, default prices for the entire company are set, meaning they are automatically applied to all locations where the specified prices are available.

If you want to set default prices for one, several, or even each location, you can do so on the Settings > Locations page.

Service Discounts for Clients

Now, in each client's profile, you can set service discounts separately for orders and invoices, and separately for sales. Furthermore, this can be either a percentage or a specific price type.

Enhancements to Asset Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions on the Inventory > Assets page

Previously, you could only transfer, write off, or merge assets (like devices, vehicles, and more) if they were in the same warehouse. Now, that restriction is gone! Whether your assets are in different locations, you can easily move them to the desired warehouse or employee, write them off, or merge them all in a single action.

Bulk Asset Transfer in Workflows

Need to move several assets from different orders, tickets, or jobs at once? No problem! Now you can take advantage of the bulk action feature right from the Workflows table.

Just select the orders, tickets, or jobs you need, choose "Transfer Asset" as your bulk action, and specify where you want to transfer the assets from those selected documents.

Plus, keep in mind that when using the bulk "Change Status" action, if the chosen status requires transferring the asset, a transfer dialog will now appear as soon as you confirm the status change.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support team via chat!

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