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What Are The Benefits Of The RemOnline Referral Program?
What Are The Benefits Of The RemOnline Referral Program?

Find out how the referral program works in RemOnline

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over a week ago

The referral program is the opportunity to use RemOnline for free or with a discount. Invite your friends and partners to RemOnline and receive 10% of their payments to your subscription renewal balance.

Starting a referral program is easy:

Step 1. Navigate to the Settings > Referral program page.

Step 2. Copy your referral link.

Step 3. Share your referral link for registration with contacts for whom RemOnline may be a useful tool.

Step 4. RemOnline will connect your account with new users who signed up by your link. When one of them pays a subscription, RemOnline will give you bonuses.

Also, users who signed up by your referral link will receive a 10% discount on the first payment. The client is considered the referral within 30 days of clicking on the link.

Note: RemOnline referral program operates by extending, not accumulating subscription days. That is, you must have an active account to receive free subscription days from your partners.

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