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Forbidden Words in SMS Text

Learn how to increase the chance of SMS delivery

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 7 months ago

RemOnline provides an ability to promptly inform customers using SMS notifications. You can configure their templates on the Settings > Notifications page.

While sending an SMS message, there is a possibility that it will not be delivered. Unfortunately, operators do not provide stopword lists to SMS services, explaining this by saying that then they will prompt customers how to bypass restrictions and send SMS.

We offer the following recommendations for any texts (Cyrillic, Latin):

  • swearing, threats, texts and appeals that violate the administrative code and the criminal code are prohibited

  • SMS related to drugs

  • advertising of alcohol and tobacco products or service SMS about their delivery and purchase (permissible with additional text about the dangers of consumption)

  • it is not recommended to use words like bonus, discount, promotion, sale, coupon in texts, since SMS will be delivered, but may be subject to verification with selective requests for subscribers’ consent to such mailings

  • it is not recommended to use links to websites and communities, as such SMS are often checked additionally.

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