In December 2024, we introduced the ability to convert products to assets and vice versa. But one thing was missing: a dedicated place to track your conversion history.
Now, we’ve added a Conversions tab in the Inventory section, where you can view the full history of asset-to-product and product-to-asset conversions across all time or within specific periods.
Easier Filtering & Data Export
To make tracking even more convenient, you can:
Filter conversions by result (assets converted to products or vice versa).
Export conversion data to an XLS file for reporting and analysis.
Employee Access to Conversions
We've also added a new permission section for employee roles under Settings > Employees > Roles.
Access to conversions is now regulated by three permissions:
Can view conversions
Can convert products to assets
Can convert assets to products
The ability to export conversion data is controlled by the general "Can export data" permission for Inventory.
What’s Next for Conversions?
We’re working on bulk conversions, so you’ll soon be able to convert multiple products to assets (or vice versa) in one go—saving you even more time!
Stay tuned for more improvements, and let us know what you'd like to see next. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact our Support team via chat.