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All CollectionsProduct UpdatesNovember 2024
Other RemOnline Enhancements in November
Other RemOnline Enhancements in November

Explore the latest updates to RemOnline in detail

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over 4 months ago

Orders and Estimates in Dashboards and Reports

Since orders (also known as work orders, tickets, and jobs) and estimates are closely linked—often with one document evolving into the other—we’ve reviewed and refined how they’re displayed in analytics, including dashboard and company reports.

On the My Company > Dashboard page, orders and estimates are now counted together in the following widgets:

  • Orders Today – Displays how many orders and estimates were created today.

  • New – Shows the number of orders and estimates currently in "New" status group.

  • Urgent – Indicates the number of orders and estimates marked as urgent at the moment.

  • Overdue – Displays the number of overdue orders and estimates.

  • Orders in Progress – Shows the number of open orders and estimates, grouped by status groups.

  • Orders by Assigned Technicians – Displays the number of orders and estimates currently in "New" and "In Progress" status groups, grouped by assigned employees.

  • Dropped Off Orders – Indicates the number of orders and estimates in the "Dropped Off" status group since the start of the month.

  • Orders Created – Shows how many orders and estimates were created since the beginning of the month.

Other metrics related to orders do not include estimates.

Also, the following reports have been updated:

  • Created Orders, Orders in Progress, and Technicians Report now include a filter for document type, so you can choose to view data for orders, estimates, or both.

  • The Ad Campaigns report displays statistics for orders and estimates combined.

  • The Assortment Analysis report shows data only for orders and only for products deducted from stock. If a product is added to an order without being deducted from stock, it won’t appear in this report.

Variables for Payment Links in Document Templates and Notifications

If you’ve integrated Stripe and use payment links, you can now include those links in automated notifications or print them in documents using new variables:

  • {Order Payment URL} – Inserts the most recent payment link generated for a document as a clickable link.

  • {Order Payment QR} – Inserts the most recent payment link generated for a document as a QR code.

So if multiple payment links are generated for a single order, the variable will use the last generated link to create the clickable URL or QR code.

With these variables, you can:

  • Configure notification templates (with the URL) to manually or automatically send messages to clients.

  • Configure document templates to print documents with a QR code, enabling clients to pay for their orders directly.

Enhanced Editing for Posting Documents

A small but helpful improvement to the Posting document simplifies the editing process: you can now edit product prices and quantities directly in the table row. Just click the price or quantity and enter the desired value.

For serialized products, changing the quantity will open a window where you can generate new serial numbers or remove extras.

Converting Products into Assets

The key difference between products and assets (also known as vehicles, devices etc.) lies in their intended use: assets cannot be sold, while products cannot be serviced. But what happens if, for instance, you sell a product to a client and agree to provide regular maintenance? Or if you decide to rent out certain products instead of selling them? Enter RemOnline’s new feature: product-to-asset conversion.

How Does Conversion Work?

First, note that this feature is available only for serialized products. Non-serialized products are managed on a FIFO (first in, first out) basis, making it impossible to ensure you're converting the exact item in question. With serialized products, it’s much simpler—you know the exact serial number you need to convert into an asset. Just click on the serial number of the product, select Actions, and choose Convert to Asset.

What Happens During Conversion?

A dialog box will appear, similar to the one used to create a new asset. The serial number of the product will be automatically copied to the Serial Number / IMEI / VIN field of the asset. If the product has images, they will be carried over to the asset but can be removed if needed. Fields with identical names in both the product and asset profiles will also have their values transferred. Any additional fields in the asset profile can be filled in manually.

Once the conversion is complete, a record will be added to the history of both the product and the asset, documenting the process.

Determining the Owner of the Asset

The owner of the asset is automatically assigned based on the context of the conversion:

The Owner is Your Company

The asset owner will default to your company (and cannot be changed to a client) if the conversion is initiated from:

  • Product details view (inventory stock view)

  • Posting

  • Write-off

  • Transfer

  • Stock take

This ensures that a product cannot be "sold" to a client without registering the sale and payment. You can also specify which warehouse the asset will be stored in.

The Owner is the Client

The client becomes the default owner of the asset when the conversion is initiated from:

  • An order in a closed status (both successfully or unsuccessfully closed)

  • A sale (if no client is specified, the asset owner field will remain empty)

  • Return to supplier

In these cases, you can manually assign the asset to a different client or switch ownership back to your company if necessary.

Product serial numbers that are currently located in orders, tickets, or jobs with status from open groups cannot be converted to assets.

Who Can Convert Products into Assets?

This feature is controlled by the "Can convert products to assets" permission in the Inventory section. By default, this permission is enabled for all users who already have the "Can create assets" permission. To adjust employee permissions, go to Settings > Employees > Roles.

Stay tuned! RemOnline will soon introduce the reverse process: converting assets back into products.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these updates or RemOnline in general, please contact our Support team via chat. Your feedback helps us make RemOnline even better.

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